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Strategic Administrative Litigation

The business activity in our country is highly regulated. Most of the economic sectors maintain a continuous interaction with the State's regulatory bodies and are subject to the constant updating of the applicable rules, as well as to the frequent exercise of the verification and assessment, investigation, and sanctioning powers and authorities by the authorities. 

 Facing this new reality requires the highest degree of specialization, as well as a deep knowledge of the jurisdictional environment, which is why we focus on protecting our clients’ interests while seeking an approach that allows us to define each legal strategy, based on a full understanding of their businesses, the applicable law, and the specific challenges they face.  

 In order to meet these needs, we have consolidated a professional practice specialized in the strategic defense of our clients' rights, responding effectively to the enactment of new laws and regulations, their execution, and compliance therewith. Our specialized professional practice also includes the defense against government actions and their most relevant consequences, relating to activities and services granted by means of concession titles, certifications, registrations, authorizations, permits, licenses, closures, suspensions, revocations, fines, and other penalties.